Sunday 27 February 2011

session 2. the international human rights framework

It is the objective of session two to present the international human rights framework of pertinence to media. The different dimensions of the freedom of expression will thus be central to our analysis. We will look at the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights but also discuss the law and practice developed under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
I urge you to read the case Demuth v. Switzerland before the session, so we could discuss it in more detail.

Reading materials
Jorgensen, Freedom of Expression
Marauhn, Freedom of Expression (ECHR)

Legal texts:International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR)

Demuth v. Switzerland, ECtHR

Mira Burri, Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace (NZZ, October 2010) (in German)Open Net Initiative Bulletin, China's Green Dam

Here are the slides for session 2.

Sunday 20 February 2011

session 1. introduction and overview of the course's core themes

The objective of the first session of the course is to get you acquainted with 'contemporary media' as a specific subject matter of regulation. Amongst others, questions to be answered are: What are the economic and societal justifications for regulating media? Have these rationales been modified over time as the media landscape has been profoundly changed? What is international media law? What are its building blocks and how are they reflected in the course's structure?

Reading materials
Flew, New Media: An Introduction
Sauvé and Steinfatt, Multilateral Rules on Trade and Culture (only pages 326-339; the entire article for session No 9)

Benkler, The Wealth of Networks, chapter 1 (background text; also useful for subsequent sessions)
Jenkins, Convergence? I Diverge
Burri, New Technologies, New Patterns of Consumer/Business Behaviour and Their Implications for Audiovisual Media Regulation

Here are the slides of session 1.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

welcome to the 2011 course

The course 'international law of contemporary media' of the University of Bern will take place in the spring term 2011 (starting on 22 February), every Tuesday from 2 to 4 pm (in UniS, room A027). It will bring your ECTS account 5 credits. The teaching language as well as that of the materials will be English.
I warmly welcome you and look forward to an engaging and interesting course.

The course provides an introduction to the current issues in the regulation of media at the international level, covering the pertinent human rights norms, the rules of the World Trade Organization, and the relevant topics of international telecommunications, Internet governance and intellectual property law. New digital media build the specific focus of the course.
The course is structured into 12 weekly two-hour lectures with two interactive sessions in a debate format. Each student will be asked to participate in an interactive session at least once.
This participation will be assessed and constitutes 30% of the final note.
The final exam will oral and 'open-book'.

The course is primarily directed at students of law at the master level. It is however also particularly suitable for media and communications studies students, who would like to learn more about the international regulation of media, or who share a special interest in new media and their policy and legal implications.

For a non-binding enrolment in the course, please send a short note to Ruth Peterseil:

There is no particular script or textbook needed for the course. The relevant to each session readings will be provided electronically. All links will be made available here on this blog.

The books listed on the right-hand side of the blog are not necessarily part of the reading list. They are however relevant to the topics dealt with in the course and of potential interest to students eager to know more about digital media and their economic, societal and cultural implications. All these books are made available under the creative commons licence and can be downloaded for non-commercial use free of charge.